About Ninja Gardening

The original idea behind guerrilla gardening was planting unused gray spaces to plants for food and beauty. Traditionally done in cities, along boulevards, in parks, and in abandoned lots, this type of guerrilla gardening is time and effort heavy. A lot of work goes into completely revamping a space.
I’d like to introduce a new definition of guerrilla gardening – ninja gardening within the space and time that you have. Using little minutes and short  bursts of time to grow food for your family, using small spaces and unusual techniques to grow food and create personal abundance.
As 2020 demonstrated, the “just in time” food supply chains are not reliable. We need local food. This is about starting a movement toward small scale food growing in small and unusual spaces. Even if all you have is a countertop or a window ledge, you can grow herbs, sprouts, microgreens, or even mushrooms. As space increases, so do your growing options.

Who am I? My name is Sarah, and I’m a wife and new mother. Being pregnant during 2020’s chaos raised my awareness of how important home grown food was. With a little one in my arms, and seeing shelves at the grocery store still lacking in many fresh produce items, it has become even more important for me to grow my own food.
My personal goal for the 2021 growing season is to grow as much food as I can, and preserve it by freezing, drying, and canning, for next winter. I’d like to invite you to join me, as I explore multiple growing tactics, techniques, and crops in a quest for food sustainability on a city lot.